kontakt@wissenschaftlicheschreibwerkstatt.de I +49 30 4471 8033 or +49 155 608 77 971

Wissenschaftliche Schreibwerkstatt Berlin

I Workshops I Coaching I Editing I Pricing I Registration I Contact I

Workshops for Doctoral Programmes:
Research Training Groups at Universities, Graduate Schools

The WSB workshops support prospective doctoral students, PhD students and young researchers in developing effective routines for project planning, publishing texts and reviewing. You can select parts of the modular course offer, vary them and put them together to create a suitable workshop programme for your graduate students.

We will be happy to advise you directly & free of charge: +49 155 608 77 971


Workshops regarding research project planning
These workshops support the authors of proposals or concepts for research projects both in the creation of clear text structures and in the precise and intelligible formulation of content.

The decision for a doctorate
Contents: orientation in the 'landscape' of doctoral programmes, funding and financing models, stages and steps in the doctoral process, roles as a doctoral student, strategies for decision-making.

The doctoral dissertation proposal
Contents: elements of research concepts and components of exposés / proposals; tools for defining aims / objectives and developing project structures and schedules; reflection of the project with regard to methodology (philosophy of science); outlines and language of research proposals.

The research project proposal
Contents: analysis strategies and tools for calls for proposals and for guidelines for research proposals; Strategies / routines for developing research concepts; persuasive proposal language.

Workshops focusing on the publication and documentation of research and project results
These workshops first encourage precise analysing and reflecting on the requirements of the scientific text, then show ways and tools to set up text concepts and structures, and finally to implement them in English or German scientific language in a comprehensible and precise manner.

Scientific article / peer-reviewed article
Contents: development of an article concept and a suitable publication strategy; journal search, selection, analysis of the requirements; article structures, language design.

Writing Ph.D. thesis / doctoral thesis
Contents: development of a text concept, a text structure and the outline for the thesis; strategies and routines for the presentation of results; scheduling; revision routines: comprehensibility, style and form.

Science communication: popular science texts
In these courses, target texts are: press releases, articles for popular magazines, texts, blogs, texts for websites, reports for the interested public.
Contents: good reasons for good science communication, basic decisions regarding purpose, target group, topics, format; text types, their characteristics and demands; strategies for target group-oriented text designs; routines for form and language transformation (German).

Interim and final reports for research projects
Contents: analysis tools for report specifications or guidelines; routines for presenting research results; report language; tips and strategies for writing motivation.

Presentation and defence of the doctorate
Contents: presentation structure; strategies & tools for illustrating content; typical questions & answer strategies for defences.

Workshops focused on expert evaluation reports & peer review
In teams of scientific authors, texts are exchanged and feedback is sought formally or informally. In order to be able to give this feedback with a sustainable effect, the workshops offer tools and routines that can make collegial exchange, but also feedback to learners (student), more effective, efficient and conducive.

Thesis evaluation reports
Target texts: appraisals and thesis evaluation reports for bachelor's and master's theses.
Contents: guidance and counselling of students in the final phase; basic structures of (BA / MA / PhD) theses; effective criteria for evaluation reports; technical tools for structured evaluations; language for evaluations.

Peer review of scientific articles
Target texts: peer review reports for journals, collegial feedback on the text.
Contents: basic structures of articles, effective criteria for reviews, review language, good atmosphere in the collegial feedback.

Online or presence formats
Online formats are characterised by short phases in the online seminar room (max. 4 x 45 minutes / day) and offer the possibility of in-depth individual processing or application of the contents in longer intervals of these phases (1 day up to 1 week).
In-house workshops in classroom format have the advantage of being compact (e.g. 2 days á 8 x 45 min) and highly interactive among the participants. Interactive discussion phases offer the opportunity for group solutions, which are more difficult to achieve in individual processing.
All WSB courses are offered in English or German as the language of instruction.

And after the workshops?
Coaching / counselling / mentoring (online or offline)
After the interactive workshops, the desire for individual counselling arises in many participants. The counselling services can be ordered for groups or individuals. The basic goals are accelerated project progress and a sustainable learning or change process related to scientific working methods.
Further details on coaching - here

Dr. Beate Richter I Natalia Dienes
References I News I Contact
Terms & Conditions I Imprint I Privacy Statement

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kontakt@wissenschaftlicheschreibwerkstatt.de I +49 30 4471 8033 or +49 155 608 77 971

Wissenschaftliche Schreibwerkstatt Berlin

I Workshops I Coaching I Editing I Pricing I Registration I Contact I

Workshops for Doctoral Programmes:
Research Training Groups at Universities, Graduate Schools

The WSB workshops support prospective doctoral students, PhD students and young researchers in developing effective routines for project planning, publishing texts and reviewing. You can select parts of the modular course offer, vary them and put them together to create a suitable workshop programme for your graduate students.

We will be happy to advise you directly & free of charge: +49 155 608 77 971


Workshops regarding research project planning
These workshops support the authors of proposals or concepts for research projects both in the creation of clear text structures and in the precise and intelligible formulation of content.

The decision for a doctorate
Contents: orientation in the 'landscape' of doctoral programmes, funding and financing models, stages and steps in the doctoral process, roles as a doctoral student, strategies for decision-making.

The doctoral dissertation proposal
Contents: elements of research concepts and components of exposés / proposals; tools for defining aims / objectives and developing project structures and schedules; reflection of the project with regard to methodology (philosophy of science); outlines and language of research proposals.

The research project proposal
Contents: analysis strategies and tools for calls for proposals and for guidelines for research proposals; Strategies / routines for developing research concepts; persuasive proposal language.

Workshops focusing on the publication and documentation of research and project results
These workshops first encourage precise analysing and reflecting on the requirements of the scientific text, then show ways and tools to set up text concepts and structures, and finally to implement them in English or German scientific language in a comprehensible and precise manner.

Scientific article / peer-reviewed article
Contents: development of an article concept and a suitable publication strategy; journal search, selection, analysis of the requirements; article structures, language design.

Writing Ph.D. thesis / doctoral thesis
Contents: development of a text concept, a text structure and the outline for the thesis; strategies and routines for the presentation of results; scheduling; revision routines: comprehensibility, style and form.

Science communication: popular science texts
In these courses, target texts are: press releases, articles for popular magazines, texts, blogs, texts for websites, reports for the interested public.
Contents: good reasons for good science communication, basic decisions regarding purpose, target group, topics, format; text types, their characteristics and demands; strategies for target group-oriented text designs; routines for form and language transformation (German).

Interim and final reports for research projects
Contents: analysis tools for report specifications or guidelines; routines for presenting research results; report language; tips and strategies for writing motivation.

Presentation and defence of the doctorate
Contents: presentation structure; strategies & tools for illustrating content; typical questions & answer strategies for defences.

Workshops focused on expert evaluation reports & peer review
In teams of scientific authors, texts are exchanged and feedback is sought formally or informally. In order to be able to give this feedback with a sustainable effect, the workshops offer tools and routines that can make collegial exchange, but also feedback to learners (student), more effective, efficient and conducive.

Thesis evaluation reports
Target texts: appraisals and thesis evaluation reports for bachelor's and master's theses.
Contents: guidance and counselling of students in the final phase; basic structures of (BA / MA / PhD) theses; effective criteria for evaluation reports; technical tools for structured evaluations; language for evaluations.

Peer review of scientific articles
Target texts: peer review reports for journals, collegial feedback on the text.
Contents: basic structures of articles, effective criteria for reviews, review language, good atmosphere in the collegial feedback.

Online or presence formats
Online formats are characterised by short phases in the online seminar room (max. 4 x 45 minutes / day) and offer the possibility of in-depth individual processing or application of the contents in longer intervals of these phases (1 day up to 1 week).
In-house workshops in classroom format have the advantage of being compact (e.g. 2 days á 8 x 45 min) and highly interactive among the participants. Interactive discussion phases offer the opportunity for group solutions, which are more difficult to achieve in individual processing.
All WSB courses are offered in English or German as the language of instruction.

And after the workshops?
Coaching / counselling / mentoring (online or offline)
After the interactive workshops, the desire for individual counselling arises in many participants. The counselling services can be ordered for groups or individuals. The basic goals are accelerated project progress and a sustainable learning or change process related to scientific working methods.
Further details on coaching - here

Dr. Beate Richter I Natalia Dienes
References I News I Contact
Terms & Conditions I Imprint I Privacy Statement

Follow us on Facebook I LinkedIn I Twitter I Instagram I Pinterest

kontakt@WissenschaftlicheSchreibwerkstatt.de I tel +49 30 4471 8033

Wissenschaftliche Schreibwerkstatt Berlin

I Workshops I Coaching I Editing I Pricing I Registration I Contact

Workshops for Doctoral Programmes:
Research Training Groups at Universities, Graduate Schools

The WSB workshops support prospective doctoral students, PhD students and young researchers in developing effective routines for project planning, publishing texts and reviewing. You can select parts of the modular course offer, vary them and put them together to create a suitable workshop programme for your graduate students.

We will be happy to advise you directly & free of charge: +49 155 608 77 971


Workshops regarding research project planning
These workshops support the authors of proposals or concepts for research projects both in the creation of clear text structures and in the precise and intelligible formulation of content.

The decision for a doctorate
Contents: orientation in the 'landscape' of doctoral programmes, funding and financing models, stages and steps in the doctoral process, roles as a doctoral student, strategies for decision-making.

The doctoral dissertation proposal
Contents: elements of research concepts and components of exposés / proposals; tools for defining aims / objectives and developing project structures and schedules; reflection of the project with regard to methodology (philosophy of science); outlines and language of research proposals.

The research project proposal
Contents: analysis strategies and tools for calls for proposals and for guidelines for research proposals; Strategies / routines for developing research concepts; persuasive proposal language.

Workshops focusing on the publication and documentation of research and project results
These workshops first encourage precise analysing and reflecting on the requirements of the scientific text, then show ways and tools to set up text concepts and structures, and finally to implement them in English or German scientific language in a comprehensible and precise manner.

Scientific article / peer-reviewed article
Contents: development of an article concept and a suitable publication strategy; journal search, selection, analysis of the requirements; article structures, language design.

Writing Ph.D. thesis / doctoral thesis
Contents: development of a text concept, a text structure and the outline for the thesis; strategies and routines for the presentation of results; scheduling; revision routines: comprehensibility, style and form.

Science communication: popular science texts
In these courses, target texts are: press releases, articles for popular magazines, texts, blogs, texts for websites, reports for the interested public.
Contents: good reasons for good science communication, basic decisions regarding purpose, target group, topics, format; text types, their characteristics and demands; strategies for target group-oriented text designs; routines for form and language transformation (German).

Interim and final reports for research projects
Contents: analysis tools for report specifications or guidelines; routines for presenting research results; report language; tips and strategies for writing motivation.

Presentation and defence of the doctorate
Contents: presentation structure; strategies & tools for illustrating content; typical questions & answer strategies for defences.

Workshops focused on expert evaluation reports & peer review
In teams of scientific authors, texts are exchanged and feedback is sought formally or informally. In order to be able to give this feedback with a sustainable effect, the workshops offer tools and routines that can make collegial exchange, but also feedback to learners (student), more effective, efficient and conducive.

Thesis evaluation reports
Target texts: appraisals and thesis evaluation reports for bachelor's and master's theses.
Contents: guidance and counselling of students in the final phase; basic structures of (BA / MA / PhD) theses; effective criteria for evaluation reports; technical tools for structured evaluations; language for evaluations.

Peer review of scientific articles
Target texts: peer review reports for journals, collegial feedback on the text.
Contents: basic structures of articles, effective criteria for reviews, review language, good atmosphere in the collegial feedback.

Online or presence formats
Online formats are characterised by short phases in the online seminar room (max. 4 x 45 minutes / day) and offer the possibility of in-depth individual processing or application of the contents in longer intervals of these phases (1 day up to 1 week).
In-house workshops in classroom format have the advantage of being compact (e.g. 2 days á 8 x 45 min) and highly interactive among the participants. Interactive discussion phases offer the opportunity for group solutions, which are more difficult to achieve in individual processing.
All WSB courses are offered in English or German as the language of instruction.

And after the workshops?
Coaching / counselling / mentoring (online or offline)
After the interactive workshops, the desire for individual counselling arises in many participants. The counselling services can be ordered for groups or individuals. The basic goals are accelerated project progress and a sustainable learning or change process related to scientific working methods.
Further details on coaching - here
eng I dt
Dr. Beate Richter I Natalia Dienes
References I Comments

Terms & Conditions
Privacy Statement
Contact I How to find us
Registration for Workshops
Registration for Coaching

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